

Sunday: 10 am Sunday School- 11am worship / Message; Wednesday: 7pm Bible Study: Prepping for Stepping

Truth Assembly Chapel has regular services and several ministries available to serve you and your family at every stage of life. There’s something for everyone; we invite you to explore all we are and get connected.


Sunday School begins at 10 AM.  We have a class for everyone, from children to adults. 



Sunday Worship Service begins at 11.  We are blessed to have wonderful musicians, singers, and the Truth Assembly adult and children's choirs to lead us in worship.  Join us to worship with them and listen to Pastor Jason preach.  You will be inspired.


Prepping for Stepping is the Wednesday Night Bible Study It begins at 7.  Pastor Jason teaches the Word of God as led by the Holy Spirit.  If you want gain a deeper understanding of the Bible and how you can apply it to your life, join us!


We gather together for fellowship and food at our monthly birthday dinners

A women's conference is held each fall.  

  Vacation Bible School is held every summer for both children and adults!

Wonderful speakers, evangelists, and singers make frequent visits to Truth Assembly. Larry Delawder, also known as Barney Fife, is a regular visitor.  He and his family bless us with their singing and sharing of the Word.

Outreach:  The Great Commission ( Matthew 28:19-20) is central to the mission of Truth Assembly Chapel.  We offer a variety of opportunities for you to share the gospel message and the love of Christ.  If you want to be a disciple, come join us.  

Plan your visit